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Phillip K. Russell Photography
China 2004
Images from Panyu County
Roof detail of old garden in Panyu
Roof detail
Roof detail
Moon gate in Panyu garden
Room with giant lanterns
Old seen-ji furniture
Elaborate window detail
Panyu farmer tending crops
Dragon and phoenix carving at Baomo Garden
Long corridor at Baomo Garden
Colorful corridor at Baomo Garden
Pavilion at Baomo Garden
Bridge at Baomo Garden
Man on bridge beside pavilion
Water pavilion and ffsh
Man photographing water lilies
Water lilies
Boat in pool at Baomo Garden
Great Stage at Summer Palace
Elaborate eaves of Great Statge
Pipes player on Great Stage
Red door beside Great Stage
Temple of Fragrance of Buddha and lake
Temple of Fragrance of Buddha
Long corridor
Roof detail
Roof tiles and ornaments
Temple of Fragrance of Buddha
Inside temple of Fragrance of Buddha
Sea of Wisdom Temple
Pavilion of Five Locations
Boats on Suzhou Street
Boats on Suzhou Street
Bridge on Suzhou Street
Coin decorations on Suzhou Street
Shops and lanterns
Lanterns on Suzhou Street

Boats on Suzhou Street
Marble Boat
Hall for Listening to Orioles
Girls with umbrellas
Carved door
Bronze urn at Summer Palace
Detail of urn with stork
Images from the Summer Palace